☽⊱ Jason ⊰☾

Not all heroes wear capes, and Jason is such a hero. During his day job, Jason is a popular agent making a name for himself working at a local insurance agency. His charisma would convince you quickly that he was interested in acting, and was even a child actor at one point. He claims to not do as much acting these days, but every saturday you can find him in the park playing the role of Silver Justice, a hero for kids to cheer on. His family friendly shows are just another way he contributes to his local community, inspired by the types of shows he grew up watching.

Few know that the work Jason truly does to keep the town safe is checking in on Cryztal. After becoming her only local confidant in adulthood, Jason has made it a bit of duty to keep in touch with his old friend, even if they don't have as much to talk about. At least, that's what he thought. With Nai-bu back in town, maybe Jason's help is no longer needed. Or maybe his heroics are needed now more than ever.

  • Full Name: Jason Moreno
  • Age: 25
  • Species: Human
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Profession: Insurance Agent
  • Food: Pizza
  • Music: Movie Scores
  • Sports: Soccer
  • Games: Fighting
  • Movies: Action


As kids, it was easy for Jason to think Cryztal wasn't kidding about being an alien, and getting any kind of confirmation made him far too excited. Despite that, when Jason saw how Cryztal had no one to be friends with when Nai-bu left, he thought they should be closer. Even if Cryztal can't fully accept him, Jason feels that they are like family.
Jason's mother has always vocally cherished her son. She thought her son was so special, no matter how goofy or silly he could be as kid, and is very proud of his career. Because of this, even though any beef has been squashed, Jason's mother despises Cryztal. She blames Cryztal for the large scar across Jason's face, which was more likely from an accident while riding his bike. While he is saving to move out, she hopes he never leaves.
Not all dads can make time for their sons, so instead they may opt to work with them. Jason admires his father's hard work, especially on Forgotten Station, the show that featured Jason and his friends. He understands that his father prefers to take things slow these days. These two love the same action heroes that inspire Jason's work with Silver Justice, and still talk about them today.


"My dad has looked really stressed lately. I know Forgotten Station has been a big undertaking, but I thought I was helping by telling people to get back to work! I should know this story better than anyone else!" -Jason, 11
"You'd think coming out would make her less likely to toss people around, but Cryztal's just as tough as ever. Though it wouldn't hurt if guys would stop making fun of her. I definitely need to help her with makeup sooner than later." -Jason, 17
"I never expected the local paper to say my Silver Justice shows were a must-see for parents with active kids! I should probably polish the costume before the next show. I wonder if those two sound guys are still free..." - Jason, 22


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