Species in Kracked Moon

Range of Species

Because Kracked Moon is a relatively grounded setting, the range of species is limited to Earth. Despite the existence of aliens, not all "aliens" are aliens. There are also legendary creatures who have their own ways of surviving in the present day, often referred to as cryptids and well known by paranormal protection agencies. Demons and witches also exist, though they are not as relevant to Kracked Moon specifically. And most impactful to the world is Homo Sap-Catus, whose emergence has impacted many international affairs.

This is where you can learn more about them.


The term alien refers to beings that originate from a planet other than Earth, and only two known aliens have been confirmed to exist: Cryztal and her father. Any other entities believed to be aliens are to be referred to as extra terrestrials, and are explained below.

The first known alien, going by the alias Craig, claims to have arrived on Earth via a beam of light. This light-based travel was experimental on Craig's homeworld, and only accidentally sent him to Earth. Craig's light was processed by the Cloud Gate Statue in Chicago, Illinois, USA, allowing him to regain a physical form. After doing his best to blend in, Craig would eventually associate himself with witches, and manage to successfully assimilate into Earth's culture, if not occasionally getting something comically wrong.

The second known alien, Cryztal, is supposedly Craig's offspring, despite Craig's species not having a means of reproduction. While it is unclear how specifically she came to be, Cryztal clearly looks different from her father, so cloning has been discredited as a possibility. Both aliens show the ability to shapeshift, but exclusively into red, reptile-like creatures, though Craig's alternate form is about the same size as his human-like appearance, while Cryztal's more alien appearance is absurdly large, also allowing her to make herself larger without changing how she looks. Why they act differently is not commonly known, but likely has to do with Cryztal being born on Earth.

These aliens are special because they can perceive the world beyond three dimensions, allowing them to see and even engage with aspects that regularly go unseen by earthlings. According to Craig, this is reflected in their need for nutrients, which is why Craig insists they need to eat humans to survive. This is not an uncommon claim from cryptids, and has been accommodated by paranormal protection agencies, but is controversial when justified. While Craig is relatively indifferent about this, Cryztal is not as eager to talk about her diet.

Extra Terrestrials

Commonly called aliens, extra terrestrials actually refer to advanced species that originated from Earth, but have used their advanced technology to leave the planet's surface, making homes in space or on other planets near Earth. They are closely associated with most world governments, and space programs like NASA, but refuse to involve themselves in human wars, and do their best to let humans believe they are discovering new life off Earth. Extra terrestrials are primarily little green or grey people, but others exist and operate in relative peace. They are not found in fossil records because their evolution happened long before many others on Earth, and their biology is difficult to fossilize.


Many creatures exist outside of the commonly understood history of evolution, often with little to no history in fossil records, either due to having small, localized populations or not being impacted by mass extinction events. Most cryptids have intelligence comparable to humans, and have had to find ways to coexist. In the USA and Canada, the federal government has sanctioned the private operation of paranormal protection agencies (PPA), which service cryptid citizens, with the intent to normalize them into society. Seemingly anyone can found a PPA, and they are successful at accommodating cryptid needs, though some take a more militant approach than others, often obsessing over their rights to the cryptid's autonomy.

Aliens and extra terrestrials are also classified as cryptids.


Emissaries and inhabitants of a tortuous afterlife definitely exist, but whether these creatures call their home "Hell" is not consistent. Their appearance and capabilities vary widely, but they normally try to resemble humans as closely as possible, either due to a natural similarity in appearance or a supernatural ability to disguise themself. The existence of demons is important to knowing that they can do workings with witches, and often pose as cryptids in order to blend in. For the sake of Kracked Moon, just know they are real, and don't ask where they are.


Anyone can become a witch, but those who are witches by blood have a certain type of natural affinity for the use of magic. Despite never having been examined by modern science, there is believed to be something different about a witch's genes that allows them to channel magic better than other earthlings.

But maybe you would rather learn about magic itself?

Homo Sap-Catus

In the world of Kracked Moon, Earth is relatively similar, aside from a few major events. One such event is the appearance of Homo Sap-Catus or HSC. In the early 1900s, a biochemical gas was developed to incapacitate enemy soldiers. Due to the nature of this gas, enemy soldiers were typically shot and killed before prolonged effects could be observed. After the 1925 Geneva Protocol, use of this gas was discontinued, and the remaining material was offloaded and stored primarily in storage locations in third world countries. Due to the poorly studied nature of this gas, it would sometimes liquify, leak out of its containers, and contaminate local air and water supplies. The smaller dosage would prove to not be fatal, but cause a gradual mutation in humans, even more evident in their children. These mutations would cause pointed ears and stumpy tails to appear on newborns. Even with surgery, these children would reportedly have excellent lowlight vision and heightened reflexes.

By the 1970s, the effects were a factor in the establishment of the Biological Weapons Convention, requiring proper disposal of the otherwise abandoned materials, but the effects were already irreversible, with the next generation of effected persons having more prominent and hair-covered ears and tails. By this time, political movements initiated by celebrities encouraged the immigration of these affected people to be welcome into first world nations. Politicians agreed, often with an intent to lead studies on the new condition. Homo Sap-Catus communities would unify and form in various parts of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, and Germany, despite typically originating from South America, the Middle East, Africa, and the Southeast Asia. These communities would often form new original beliefs, if not adopting Christianity as reflecting a nation's dominant religion. In the present day, the third generation of HSC have known the burden of being treated as an immigrant, though plenty of positive reception in media. A notion from the 1990s encouraged that at least one noteworthy character be of HSC descent to increased public perception and acceptance. While some HSC are still in areas that may persecute them, most have found comfortable lives and strong communities.

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